Friday, September 28, 2007

Football game

Tonight I went to the homecoming football game of our local high school. My son has enjoyed watching our team win. We are 6-0; we played a team that was undefeated until tonight. However, this was the closest game that we have had so far. What has happened this year? Or have I just been out of the loop? I have been looking at the scores from all over AZ, and from 5A all the way to 1A, the games have been mostly blowouts. You either annihilate the other team, or go home with your tail between your legs. I did enjoy the game as much as I could. The school has 6 or so wheelchair places, which means it’s nice to have your own spot. However, you have to deal with several problems. The main problem that I had was that right at eye level was a bar going across the bleachers holding a fence up. It needs to be there for safety reasons, but it sure is a pain, the only way to follow where the ball was to watch where the helmets congregated. The other unfortunate thing about the seating was the fact that the wheelchair seating is right by a major thoroughfare. Waiting for the people to move out of my way was irritating. The 1st Quarter of the game was just a wall of people moving in or out of the stands. I figured the 3rd Quarter would be the same, but to my relief it was the best quarter. I talked to the financial manger at the game who’s a friend of mine, and told him to fix the height of the fence. He suggested I get a low rider kit for my chair to lift me up. Like that will happen. He said, “It will happen faster than us fixing that fence”. We both had a laugh. Sad thing is, he’s right.

My sons did enjoy every time our team did something good. My youngest son would either cheer at a good play, then ask what happened, or cheer when he saw what he saw was a good play. Mostly, it was the other team that he saw being successful, but it was lots of fun for me to tease him. Tonight is the first school dance that my son has attended. This is his first year of high school, and he loves to show his spirit. I am here going through my own coming-of-age ritual, waiting up for him and wondering how it is going for him. He is growing up so much. I hope things go good for him tonight.

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